25 March 2018

I do co-working with the Együtt A Daganatos Gyermekekért Alapítvány for 8 years. In the building of Tűzoltó street there are children mostly aged of 10, and teenagers in larger number. Last Christmas I surprised them with toys in hand in hand with the Swedish office furniture company Kinnarps. While we were heading for the Clinic, I wondered how many people in need for help, not just the children. Far too many.


The support can be diverse. It’s not necessary thinking of objects, sometimes a kind word is enough. In my whole life I walked with eyes wide open and took care of others. There was a time when I lived in NY City and honestly, I didn’t like it. I had the feeling that the New Yorkers take care of themselves only, and they didn’t have time or need to look after the other people. It was strange to notice, because I’m a person who talk to homeless people as well. In Budapest, not as far from my home, near to the shops I know a couple of familiar guys, sometimes we have a word, I ask them what they need and I strive to buy (mostly cold cuts, bread and milk). They are so thankful. Later, I got to know an older man who lived in the streets with his daughter. I was able to help them to find a flat. It would be great if we look after to others more often!

Unfortunately, there are too many stories like these, therefore people can become insensible. As I see it, it’s important to notice we can’t land a hand to everybody and we are not the only one who can care. And we should accept that some of them aren’t open-minded enough to receive a help. I met a couple of people who didn’t want to change. We should approve various destinies all around us, and there is only one we respond for: it’s ours. I guess it can’t be accidental where a person stands right now.

In my opinion it’s not a big deal to ask others if they need a help or not, only 30 seconds, a couple of kind word which can make sense! They are simply grateful because someone noticed them.

As I see the world needs a collaboration – and it isn’t depending on nationality, individual or other. Sooner or later we must unite with other people if we would like to leave a Planet to our children and grandchildren. For that we truly need open-mindedness and willingness.

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